Herstory is a podcast that celebrates women of Wheeling's past and present. What has changed? What still needs to change? Through looking at the history, and talking to women today, we hope to find out.

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Latest Episodes

Episode Four - Well Educated

In the last episode of our podcast, we take some time to learn all about learning. From the history of girls learning, to an interview with Paula Sikora, a woman educa...

Episode Three - Words, Words, Words

Today we get to talking about words. We take a look at women writers of the past, including one from Wheeling. We also talk with Maribeth Thompson and C.J. Farnsworth ...

Episode Two: What's Cooking?

Feast your ears on this episode. All about good eats.Today we dive into the food of Appalachia and the women who serve it up. We talk with Melissa Rebholz, a chef who’...

Episode One: You Call That Art?

In today’s episode, we ask the big question: What is art? Learn about the women who found beauty in so-called ‘women’s art’ and hear from a woman continuing the tradit...

Herstory Teaser

Welcome to Herstory, a new podcast by Wheeling Heritage Media.

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